Telephone prospecting in the digital age

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Telephone prospecting in the digital age

Post by chameli »

Whether in BtoB or BtoC, being constantly solicited by telemarketers can be annoying, especially when it does not concern your field of activity. Despite this, it remains the greatest strength of salespeople, especially in the BtoB field.

We have all had to deal with honeyed prescribers wanting to:

Without knowing it you can save 20% on your phone bill,
Those who, under the pretext of false surveys, ultimately want to sell you a product or service, taiwan whatsapp data

Those who want you to believe in the financial miracle thanks to tax exemption.
Despite this, the numbers speak for themselves. According to Salesforce, 70% of prospects hate telephone prospecting. However, 45% of these calls lead to a conversion with the customer. For 58% of them, salespeople are unable to answer their questions effectively.

This is often due to another negative image. That of call centers outsourced abroad. The image sent back is essentially due to large BtoC groups that outsource for level 1 problems abroad. Level 1 problems are often very simple to solve, these are connections, start-up parameters, etc. The vast majority of people have the image of people who do not understand anything, have a low level of education and read a script.

The reality is quite different. Many call centers have qualified people on their teams who are specialized in their field.
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