You can also update WordPress manually by downloading the latest version and uploading it via SFTP. Important! Incorrectly overwriting folders can break your site. If you are not comfortable doing this, please consult with the developer first. Follow these steps to update an existing installation:
Delete old directories wp-includes and wp-admin.
Download new catalogs wp-includes and wp-admin.
Upload individual files gambling data singapore from the new folder wp-content to the existing folder wp-content, overwriting the existing files. DO NOT delete the existing folder wp-content. DO NOT delete files or folders in the existing folder wp-content (except the one that is overwritten by the new files).
Upload all new free files from the new version's root directory to your existing WordPress root directory.
How to Update WordPress Plugins
Updating WordPress plugins is very similar to updating WordPress core. Go to the Updates section of your WordPress dashboard, select the plugins you want to update, and click the Update Plugins button.
Similarly, you can update a plugin manually. Simply grab the latest version from the plugin developer or the WordPress repository and upload it via FTP, overwriting the existing plugin in the directory /wp-content/plugins. It’s also important to note that developers don’t always keep their plugins up to date. The team at WP Loop did a little research into how many WordPress plugins in the repository are out of date with the current WordPress core. According to their research, nearly 50% of the plugins in the repository haven’t been updated in over 2 years . This doesn’t mean the plugin won’t work with the current version of WordPress, but it’s a good idea to choose plugins that are actively updated. Outdated plugins are more likely to contain security vulnerabilities.