With very empirical aspects. Here are some questions that you should observe: What have we heard them say? What do we imagine them saying? 5. What do they DO? The inputs to this question will come from observing the persona in the way they act in public. Pay attention to how they present themselves, how they look (how they dress), how they behave with the people around them, and whether what they say matches their attitudes.
What do they do nowadays? What behaviors have we observed in them? What do we imagine them doing? 6. What qatar telegram number list do they HEAR? Not only in the audio sense but also in respect to what this client has access to. What media do they access, for example. What do they hear others saying? What do they hear from friends? What do they hear from colleagues? What do they hear second-hand? The Big Head – The Inside of the Head 7.
What do they THINK & FEEL? This one is simple: What are their fears, frustrations, and anxieties? What are their wants, needs, hopes and dreams? What Would a Complete Empathy Map look Like? Below, see a practical example of a fictitious Empathy Map of a persona developed for an e-commerce focused on hair and beard cosmetics for men. Name: Peter Wilson Age: 28 years old Peter is from San Francisco.
What do they SAY? Both this section and the next one deal
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