The following types of expert evaluation methods are distinguished:

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The following types of expert evaluation methods are distinguished:

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

intuitive and formalized;

individual and collective;

public and anonymous;

full-time or part-time.

Sociological method

There is the essence of determining the values ​​of albania email list 215428 contact leads quality indicators by collecting and analyzing the opinions of real or potential consumers. This approach makes it possible to draw conclusions about the quality of products based on their consumer characteristics. When using the sociological method, the attitude of customers to goods, as well as their value orientations, is studied. As a rule, a questionnaire is used for this purpose.

Methods for assessing the level of product quality

These approaches are based on comparing the properties of the assessed product with a certain standard. We are talking about a sample - a product of the same class, in which modern scientific and technical solutions are implemented. As such an object, a hypothetical ideal product or an existing product of competitors, which is recognized as perfect from a technical point of view and is in demand on the market, can be used.

Product quality assessment is a process that includes several stages: selection of key quality parameters of the object under study, determination of their values ​​and comparison with reference ones. The calculation of the quality level is carried out using the formula:

D = Q\Q 6

where Q is the value of the quality indicator of the product under study, Qб is the reference value.

Stages of product quality assessment
The quality assessment process is divided into three stages. Each of them has its own specifics and differs from the others.

Selection of consumer properties and indicators for their determination
The main selection criteria include the stages of the product life cycle (from the receipt of raw materials to distribution and sales), the needs that must be satisfied by the product, as well as the individual characteristics of the person conducting the assessment.

At the stage of acceptance of raw materials intended for the production of products with significant changes in properties, including appearance, indicators of technological suitability and safety are of great importance. In this case, aesthetic characteristics are less significant. However, when compiling a list of quality criteria for the client, all aspects of consumer properties must be taken into account. Particular attention must be paid to the parameters of purpose, reliability, safety, ergonomics and aesthetics.

When determining the list of consumer properties and quality indicators, it is necessary to determine the characteristics that are most important for specific purposes. For example, when assessing the quality of flour at a bakery, attention should be paid to such factors as the composition and quality of raw gluten, amylolytic activity and gas-forming capacity. When selling flour, its color, ash content and degree of grinding are important. Safety indicators should also be taken into account in accordance with certain regulatory requirements.

Evaluation of real quality indicators
Quantitative and qualitative measurement methods are used. The former are used to determine specific numerical values ​​of parameters, while the latter help to determine the dimensionality. For example, the parameter "color" can be described quantitatively (in milliliters of 0.01 N iodine solution) or qualitatively (by visually assessing the color saturation).

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Comparison of actual values ​​of the measured indicator with the standard
Established standards or other normative documents, as well as samples of substances, can be used as standards. For example, the color of beer can be defined as light or dark brown and compared with the color of an iodine solution of a certain concentration.

After comparison, the correspondence or non-correspondence of the actual values ​​of quality indicators to the standards is revealed. This process ends with the establishment of certain categories, classes or grades of products. As a result, the object is assigned a certain quality level.

According to ISO 8402:1994, a grade, class or class is a category or category assigned to goods with similar functional use but with different quality requirements.

To finally determine the quality category of a product, it is necessary to compare the actual values ​​with the reference values ​​for all parameters.

A product is considered standard if it meets all established requirements for all selected characteristics.

Even if only one of these indicators does not correspond to the basic one, the product cannot be considered standard. In this case, it is assigned the gradation "non-standard" or "marriage".

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