How to Embed TikTok Videos in WordPress (3 Easy Methods)

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How to Embed TikTok Videos in WordPress (3 Easy Methods)

Post by Mostafa044 »

Many of our visitors have been wondering how to embed TikTok videos into their websites using WordPress. As TikTok's popularity has skyrocketed, it's only natural that you'd want to embed this engaging content into your website.

The good news is, it's entirely possible and can be quite easy. Embedding TikTok videos can freshen up your content, increase engagement, and even help grow your TikTok following.

Whether you want to showcase your own TikToks or highlight features for recent videos, we've got you covered. We'll show you 3 easy methods to embed TikTok videos in WordPress that work for different themes and needs.

How to embed TikTok videos in WordPress
Why embed TikTok videos in WordPress?
According to our ultimate list of blogging stats, posts with videos get 83% more visitors than those without, so if you're already posting TikToks, it makes sense to embed those videos on your WordPress site.

An example of a TikTok video, embedded in a WordPress website
This way, you will get more visitors without having to spend a lot of time creating new content. These videos can also help grab visitors' attention and keep them on your site longer, which increases page views and reduces bounce rate in WordPress .

At the same time, these videos promote your TikTok italy telegram data channel to people who visit your website. This can bring you more engagement and followers on TikTok.

So let's see how to embed TikTok videos in WordPress. Just use the links below to jump straight to the method you want:

The easiest way to embed TikToks on your WordPress site is to paste the video's URL into the page or post editor. WordPress will then recognize the video and automatically fetch it for you. You can also do the same for YouTube videos , Facebook videos, etc.

First, you need to visit the TikTok video you want to embed. Then copy the URL of the video.

Adding a TikTok video to a page or post using the WordPress block editor
Next, open the WordPress page or post where you want to display the TikTok video. You can then simply paste the URL into the WordPress block editor .

WordPress will automatically detect that you are embedding a TikTok video and add a TikTok block with the video already embedded.
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