Restrict Author Categories Using PublishPress Permissions
The simplest solution is to create a permission group where all thailand phone number authors have access to a specific category or set of categories. For example, you can create a group that limits access to certain writers in the “Tutorials” category on your WordPress blog .
First, you need to install and activate the PublishPress Permissions plugin . For further instructions, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin .
After activation, you need to visit the “Groups” Permissions page from the admin sidebar and click on the “Add New” button.
Click the Add New button to create a new permission group
Once this is done, click on the “Create Group” button to continue.
Type a name and description for the Permissions group
After creating the permission group, scroll down to the “Group Members” section.
Here you can start typing the first author you want to add to the group.
Type the author name in the search box
When the right person appears, click on their name and then on the “Select” button.
This moves the person to the “Current Selection” column.
Author's name moved to the Current Selections option
Then, scroll down a bit and select the “Set specific permissions” tab.
Here, open the “Content Type” drop-down menu and select “Publish”.