Difference between passive income and active income

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Difference between passive income and active income

Post by asimd23 »

The vast majority of people work approximately 40 to 45 hours a week. A large number of people have their own business and possibly work much more. Both groups have something in common: in exchange for investing their time, they receive money . To continue receiving it, they need to continue investing hours and days of their life.

This type of income is what is called active income and may require, in addition to investment of time, investment of extra effort. For example, if it were income based on results.

Active and passive income both involve generating money . The most china phone data important difference is in the how. In the former, there is a large investment of time and effort that must be kept constant so that this source of money does not fall apart.

In the second case, the investment of time and effort is initial, then the money will increase on its own. Whatever you do with passive income , you will be making money, even while you sleep.

Another big difference is the number. Active income potential can be defined by the profession and services a person provides to a company . Passive income , on the other hand, is not as closed-ended and does not depend on a company's salary caps. And it is quite possible to reach and even exceed the figure proposed by companies.

But remember, you don't have to choose between active and passive income: the two can coexist perfectly.

Thinking about it holistically, passive income offers a possibility that active income has more limited, allowing you to maintain a better balance between personal life and work life.

Of course, you will have to plan in advance how to spend your free time and, why not, make that the final objective that makes you start this adventure.
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