The Granada Marketing Club did it again… Under the slogan “Rock and ROI” , it renewed its already recurring success, never better written: ROItundo.
We had the bar “à la Bubka”, after the Putos Modernos accompanied us last year , this year it was a matter of giving it another, more in-depth thought, “on the side”…
Now that no one is reading me, I will tell you that even on the Board of Directors we were more “nervous” than ever; we told ourselves that this gala was “made up of cotton wool”, that it had to go well, but we did not have the faith of others… Nothing, we did not pay attention to the young people, it was all “pure marketing”…
The 5th Anniversary Gala and the 3rd with Awards kicked off at the spectacular Barceló Granada Congress (thanks Javier) once again, under the guidance of one of the most india telegram data beautiful voices in Granada and part of Motril, Luis Mora . The sensational journalist made a pitch about what Marketing meant to him, and, with glasses on his head, he managed to get the first smile out of us with a personal storytelling.
Granada Marketing Club
All this happened with the group Maniacs on stage, what a luxurious treat, all their music was sensational during the evening.
I gave way to the moderator of the table, Susana Aragón , a professional of the size of Veleta who admitted to me the day before that she felt, as they say in Peru when you are nervous, a “little glow” in her body… <It's normal Susana, it's something that happens> I told her when the Club catches you, and not the one from Peter Weir's film, but the one from Marketing, yes, there is some poet but none dead (for the moment).
Granada Marketing Club
Not only do the dolphins call each other by name, Susana did the same with the people who would form the “round seat” to go up on stage.
Teo Molina , my friend Teo Viejas Glorias (I've had him on my phone for over 20 years). Founder of La Buena Muerte Burger, which has establishments in Granada and Ibiza, and will soon be in other cities such as Seville, London and Madrid.
From his intervention, I'm left with what he said about advertising... He claimed that people don't want you to tell them about the benefits of your burger, your product... He told us that marketing is something else, it's even getting the target audience wrong . When they set up the brand, when they conceive it, imagine it and dream it, they did so thinking of an audience between 35 and 45 years old, with motorcycles, “mother's love” tattoos and a “gray” beard... Finally, they realized that their establishment is mostly entered by kids of 12, 13, 14 and 15 years old. So much so that his partner asked him to stop doing “ads” on TikTok, something that was not being done.
Miki Borges , a fellow Canarian whom I also met a couple of decades ago (we are getting old, and I realise this when all the people I add on LinkedIn write that “he studied at the University of Granada after you”), and with whom I had not met again. A safe bet from our fellow member of the Board, Fernando Quesada, brought many interesting reflections to the table.
He commented that before doing a study on who he should target, as he had no idea, he was testing his publications and seeing which ones worked best, in terms of reach, share, etc. He also claimed that marketing has an excellent opportunity with Artificial Intelligence , which he sees, if used well, more as an ally than as a stone in the road.