In particular, Ad Fatigue comes into play when:

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bellal khan
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Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2024 5:23 am

In particular, Ad Fatigue comes into play when:

Post by bellal khan »

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Marketers out there talk about Ad Fatigue all the time .

It is that phenomenon whereby your target audience becomes intolerant to your advertisements and as a result, they perform worse and worse.

What we have noticed, however, is that there is rarely any discussion about how to determine when this effect affects your ads .

We'll give you some ideas to help you understand it...

Use old creatives : The more times you present the same stimulus cambodia telegram mobile phone number list to your audience, the more they will become accustomed to it and will be able to avoid it;
Spam marketing : Think about that friend of yours who, to convince you to go shopping with him, asks you a thousand times. At a certain point the relationship breaks down. Therefore, the strategy of exhaustion is not a winning one in the long run;
You play the hardened salesman : Telling people to buy without offering them any value is a quick way to turn them off. Selling is a game of trust, not pressure. No one wants to follow a brand that only opens its mouth to promote its products.
If you find these analyses difficult to do at a glance, here are some quick tips to help you understand if your ads need a refresh :
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