a) CubeCell
This function is used to return a single value from the cube. It can be a fixed cell value (e.g. a dimension total) or a relative cell value (e.g. the next cell), and can be from any of the measures in the cube.
b) CubeCellIndex
This function is used to return the index of the current cell on a given dimension.
c) CubeCellHeader
This function is used to return the code or description from the current cell on a given dimension.
d) CubeRange
This function is used to return a range of cells from an N-dimensional subset of the cube. This resulting list of values can then be fed into another expression function to return a single value from the list.
e) PeriodToDateCubeRange
This function is used to return a special ecuador mobile number set of cells from particular date-banded cubes to allow for period-to-date type calculations such as Year-To-Date.
New functions for ‘list’ data
In addition, to act on the ‘list’ data type generated by functions (d) and (e) above:
f) RankList
This function will rank a particular value from a given list. The order can be set to ascending or descending as required. Further control can be given on how to deal with ties in the data values.
g) NTileList
This function will work out which N-tile a particular value is in from a given list. The order can be set to ascending or descending as required.
h) FilterList
This function will take a list of values and remove values that fall outside of a given range. This function is useful for removing outliers from a list.