Walmart develops a seamless app

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Walmart develops a seamless app

Post by ishanijerin1 »

The projection mapping that is so popular at Disneyland can also be used for O2O
Hey! It's Otsuo. 20151112_o1
It's November now, and the decorations and product displays around town are already starting to take on Christmas colors.
Along with illuminations, 3D projection mapping, which projects 3D images, has recently been used in various places in Japan.
The images projected on Cinderella Castle at Disneyland are famous.

In Japan, this is often used at events and amusement parks, but apparently it's also commonly used in business situations overseas.

It's OK even if there is only one product in the store. Why O2O is possible
This time we will introduce the work of Radugadesign, a Russian media design studio.
They are planning a projection mapping that can be used in stores.

For example, projecting a 3D image onto a dining chair.
Furniture often has several different colors for skype database the body and seat of the same design, but in most cases only one or two types are displayed, and the rest are often in a catalog. However,
with projection mapping, it is possible for customers to "see" all types. By
projecting an image onto one type of chair placed in the store, all color combinations can be reproduced right before your eyes.
This is an opportunity to attract customers to the store.

It is effective for large products such as cars and fashion shows.
Car dealers cannot make a living unless they have many cars in a limited space.
There are very few customers who buy a car based on a catalog alone. No matter
how big the store is, and even if all car models are on display, there is a limit of one color per car model. Although
the salesman shows different car colors on the computer, such as this one for red and this one for black, it is hard to get a good idea of ​​the image on the computer...
This is where projection mapping comes in handy.

Being able to see the difference in colours on an actual car body not only makes better use of space, but also gives customers more confidence when making a purchase.

Projection mapping was also used at an exhibition for the American apparel brand Trukfit.
Images of new products were projected one after another onto mannequins wearing plain white T-shirts.
By switching between images every few seconds, you can show a variety of combinations even with a small number of mannequins.

An experience that can only be had in a brick-and-mortar store
The original meaning of O2O is to attract customers to brick-and-mortar stores, but projection mapping does more than that.
It's also very attractive in the sense that it entertains customers who visit the store and gives them an experience that they can't get online. It may be
that what's needed for O2O in the future is not just to be able to see the actual product, but also to have the added bonus of being able to experience something that can only be found in a brick-and-mortar store.
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