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They help find insights for promoting

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:36 am
by md.a.z.i.z.ulha.kim4
Certain data is needed to successfully target relevant audiences, "catch up" with users who have abandoned items in their carts or completed purchases. Based on cookies, you can improve the design of the site , because based on user behavior, you can track which of the checkout points triggers and makes them leave the site. Based on them, you can build new advertising activities: if users leave the site after viewing the price, they are not in the target audience, or the prices of the products are too high.

Cookies help to better understand how marketers work and what needs to be improved to increase conversions, views or site recognition. Cookies also help with segmentation: by demographic parameters, interests, etc. services and products to the target audience and better understand user behavior. Protecting users from cookie abuse Protecting users from india whatsapp number data cookie abuse Given that the practice of using cookies has spread and many attackers have appeared on the Internet who can use user data and cookies for their own purposes, legislation has been formed that protects users' rights to privacy and obliges website owners to set up notifications about data collection.

One of these is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) , which regulates and sets rules for data collection within the European Union. According to this rule, websites are required to ask for consent from users before collecting any data. Although Ukraine has not yet ratified the agreement, companies from Ukraine operating in the European market must comply with these rules. In addition to the GDPR, the EU has the ePrivacy Directive. It was supposed to come into effect in 2018, but there are still some discussions on certain points.