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Risk management

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:53 am
by Fgjklf
Predictive analytics also helps in the area of ​​risk management. With it, it is possible to predict certain aspects of the business in relation to the company's cash flow, customer inflows and outflows, or how external situations may affect the organization.

In this way, actions in these situations can be implemented in a preventive manner, avoiding worsening problems.

Up-sell and Cross-Sell
Up-sell and cross-sell techniques are widely used in all companies.

Cross-selling is the practice of offering complementary at&t email list products or services to the customer, in accordance with the initial purchase, while up-selling aims to offer an improved version of the initial product.

With predictive analysis, it is possible to anticipate these demands and understand the perfect moment when the customer will be most able to upsell or cross-sell your product.

Lead segmentation
Driving your leads to the last stage of the sales funnel may not be an easy task, but predictive analytics can help with that too.

Using predictive models, it is possible to segment groups in much more detail , predicting the actions and behavior of leads and delivering much more personalized and specific content according to each moment of the consumer's purchasing journey .

Do you understand how predictive analysis can be a great tool to boost your business results? Now, you can complement your reading and learn even more about how to achieve good results in your company by checking out our article “ Data-driven: learn how to make decisions based on data ”.