This group includes factors such as personality type, social class, and the lifestyle your customer leads. This information about the customer allows you to understand how they think and what issues may concern them most, as well as what does not interest them and what will not attract them. Based on this data, you will be able to make an individual offer for individual customers.
4. Behavioral features.
This block of information, in most cases, requires more time to work out than other groups, but the result obtained will allow you to get an accurate portrait of your buyer in combination with his wishes, habits, and behavior.
Determine what events and reasons can provoke your client to make a purchase. After that, calculate what benefits he may be looking for. It should be remembered that the advantages of a product guatemala b2b leads and benefits are slightly different things. If you sell washing machines, then the benefit the client is looking for is saving time and effort on washing, and not just buying high-quality equipment.
Frequency of consumption provides an opportunity to understand how regularly your product is used by the customer. From this follows the next indicator – customer status.
Be sure to identify the status of your company's buyers. They may include former and regular users of your products, potential customers, or absolute newcomers. Different categories of buyers can be offered different products, make promotional offers that should certainly interest them.
In addition, information of this type can also be useful: the size of the client's shoes or clothes, the average amount they spend on purchases, the date of their last purchase, the drink or dish they frequently order, etc.
Thanks to some versions of SMS mailings, you will be able to use a database with any necessary categories and parameters, personally select the most necessary ones and create completely new segments directly in your personal account of SMS mailings.