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The agony of choice: New gTLDs

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:38 am
by tanjimajuha20
Q1 2020 - Source: Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief

However, if you don't want to give up your dream domain, the new generic top-level domains offer countless different options. gTLDs not only offer more choice in available second-level domains, they also allow the TLDs to be targeted at specific target groups.

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serve specific regions? Geographical TLDs, also called geoTLDs, are aimed specifically at residents of a region. Examples are .bayern, .berlin, .cologne/.koeln, .hamburg, .ruhr, .saarland or .wien.

Would you like to tailor your top-level domain to a specific industry, offer or business? There are new gTLDs for this too. How about .agency, .boutique, .pub, .cab, cafe, .coffee, .dating, .engineering, .fashion, .graphics, .immobilien, .limo, .reise, .restaurant, .shoes, .studio, .systems, .technology, .tools or .versicherung? At DomainFactory you will find around 230 different TLDs from all areas. This means you can buy the domain that best suits your business. Please note: There are registration restrictions for some TLDs, so that, for example, belonging to the corresponding industry is a prerequisite.

Are exotic ccTLDs an alternative?
A special position is occupied by ccTLDs of smaller states, which are not needed by them and are therefore marketed internationally. Well-known examples are .tv (Tuvalu), .me (Montenegro) or .ag (Antigua and Barbuda). Less well-known but much more widespread is .tk (Tokelau), which has 25 million registrations, most of them in Russia, India and China. The reason: domains under .tk can be registered free of charge. Anyone considering such a ccTLD should find out more. For example, .to (Tonga) is often used by dubious web services because .to domains enable anonymity. Caution is also advisable for SEO reasons, because Google generally rates foreign country endings worse than its own ccDomain. But this does not apply to every ccTLD - for example not to .ag, which in Germany only registered stock corporations are allowed to use anyway. The new gTLDs are not yet a ranking signal for Google – not even for keyword TLDs such as .shoes or .toys. That will only change when they are also reliable signals for content – ​​but this is probably only a matter of time.