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Optimized excerpt with unordered list of combat sports

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:24 am
by sharminakter
optimized excerpt corresponding to the question "when were the pyramids built"
There are also definition blocks. These are intended for simple queries, where users are looking for the main meaning of a word or concept:

This type of snippet helps users visualize data for different types of comparisons. A large percentage of the featured snippets presented by Google are tables.

Here is an example of a featured snippet in table form for the query "revenues of the largest French companies 2021":

optimized extract in table form for the query: "revenues of the largest French companies 2021"
Lists can be used to categorize items, show steps in a indonesia phone data process, or identify different products. List featured snippets can be ordered or unordered, and you'll see bulleted lists for ordered or unordered items, features, and "best of" lists.

Here is an example of a featured snippet with an unordered list that presents different types of combat sports:

YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world, so it's no surprise that video featured snippets are another thing you should try to rank for.

If a video provides the best answer to a user's query, it will be included in a featured snippet. Video featured snippets can be useful for practical "how-to" queries.

Here is a featured video snippet for a user's search for "how to mount a tire on a wheelbarrow rim":

optimized video excerpt for "how to mount a tire on a wheelbarrow rim" with a summary
How to Get My Content a Featured Snippet?
Now that we’ve gone over the main types of featured snippets, let’s see how you can land them.