Taking your first steps into the world of online sales has its challenges and can cause fears or uncertainties. To take away your worries, we created the Initial Plan (available in Argentina and Mexico) that allows you to have a free Tiendanube forever, with no monthly cost .
Our goal is to lower the barriers to entrepreneurship to zero , to make it easy and quick for anyone to have what they need to start selling. In this equation, the economic factor is relevant and that is why today we are going to tell you all about Tiendanube's Initial Plan .
Please note: This plan is currently only available in Argentina and Mexico. If you are in Colombia or Chile, you have a 14-day free trial to create your online store and then you can choose the number data plan that best suits your business. The best thing is that you don't pay commission on sales with any of our plans.
Tiendanube free: the gateway to e-commerce
If you've made it this far, you probably have a project or business idea in mind to launch . Great! We love that you're reading our blog to learn how to best approach it.
The point is that, in Argentina and Mexico, we have a totally free plan to welcome you to the world of online sales and invite you to take your first steps in e-commerce in a simple way and with $0 investment. How? With your own free Tiendanube!
Tiendanube is the leading platform in Latin America that allows you to create an online store in a simple way, without technical knowledge and in a short time . We have multiple plans that adapt to the needs and stages of businesses of all sizes. Among them, there is the Initial Plan. Shall we learn more about it?
Is Tiendanube's Starter Plan really free?
Yes, of course! Our Starter Plan, available in Argentina and Mexico, allows you to create and maintain a free Tiendanube forever that has all the key features to start selling online.
But for how long? And the transaction costs? Nothing of the sort! We have this free plan so you can get started without spending anything, for an unlimited time and with no monthly cost.