With more than 3.5 million unique visitors every day 1 , LinkedIn is an essential lever for your local marketing, when you want to create new contacts and maintain your network of professionals. In addition, LinkedIn now offers many opportunities for your brand. The social network allows you to improve your online visibility, position yourself as an expert and boost traffic to your website. As a brand, it is therefore important to develop your presence there and involve your establishments.
In this article, we take a look back at the challenges of buy iran cell phone number list LinkedIn and how to integrate it into your local marketing strategy.
1. Create local LinkedIn pages
2. Define your content strategy
3. Support your local teams
How to integrate LinkedIn into your local marketing?
1. Create local LinkedIn pages
The first action to implement is to create local pages for each of your establishments, so that they are all present on LinkedIn. Indeed, your local LinkedIn pages are referenced and appear in Google results, which helps to strengthen the visibility of your brand on the Internet. In addition, local pages will also serve to develop the engagement of your communities more strongly, Internet users being naturally more inclined to interact with localized content. And as proof, a local publication generates on average 2.5 times more engagement than a national publication 2 .
To optimize the effectiveness of your local communication strategy , here is the organization that we recommend:
A company page for your brand to communicate your brand news such as your partnerships, your company values, your commitments, your new products, etc.
Local business pages for each establishment to share store news, local offers, events, etc. Giving your points of sale a voice helps strengthen proximity, develop the reach of your communications and the engagement of your community.
Profiles for your employees : your employees are your best ambassadors, they are best placed to promote your brand and allow you to humanize your communications. In fact, your employees are 7 times more likely to convert prospects into customers 3 than your company page. Employee profiles also allow you to extend the reach of your content, because they benefit from better exposure than posts from a company page.
How to integrate LinkedIn into your local marketing?
2. Define your content strategy
Now it's time to define your target audience. At this stage, start by drawing up typical profiles from your brand page subscribers. By doing this work on all your social networks, you will surely identify different audience typologies depending on the media and locations. It is essential to take these differences into account and adapt your content accordingly. If your company distributes sports equipment, you will need to adapt your ads according to the practices. In Bordeaux, you will need to highlight rugby equipment, while in Paris, it will be more interesting to communicate on football items for example.
The second step is to define your goals on LinkedIn. Some goals may be common or different from one social network to another. On LinkedIn, it is particularly relevant to set recruitment goals or to develop your employer brand (CSR actions, company values, internal events).
After prioritizing your goals, it's time to create your content. To do this, we recommend using the rule of thirds :
⅓ of content on sharing ideas or stories with storytelling around your brand.
⅓ of content dedicated to creating interaction with your community by asking them about their tastes and preferences.
⅓ promotional content highlighting your special offers, promotions, etc.
Use cross posting and differentiate your content
"Our advice": alternate between cross posting and content differentiation across your different social networks. Cross posting brings the advantage of maximizing the reach of the same statement, while content differentiation allows you to develop your community's engagement on specific themes.
LinkedIn and Facebook posts published in cross posting
LinkedIn and Facebook posts published in cross posting
How to integrate LinkedIn into your local marketing?
3. Support your local teams
Supporting your local teams is one of the key factors in your success. The goal is to establish a relationship of trust with your entire network and to frequently animate your communications.
Several actions are essential to optimize the involvement of your network:
Create a centralized communication channel between you and your affiliates. It is essential to have a way to share your content, advice, and useful information about your upcoming communications, etc.
Share an editorial calendar with your network to allow your stores to anticipate their local speaking engagements and communicate in a synchronized manner. This way, you maximize the impact of your communications on a national scale while ensuring good marketing pressure on a local scale. Finally, this allows you to establish a regular publication rhythm for all of your affiliates.
Publish multi-locally to relieve your local teams and provide them with reassurance while preserving the relevance of the content.
Analyze your performance at the level of:
Your activity (frequency of publication on company pages and on employee profiles) to identify ambassadors and dropouts within your network
The performance of your content: measure the engagement rate of your posts and their reach to understand which content is most relevant to your target and which works the least.
4. Conclusion
You now know all the best practices for integrating LinkedIn into your local marketing. It is indeed a very effective lever for developing your visibility at a lower cost and generating engagement with your local communities. For greater efficiency, we advise you to centralize the management of your social networks within a local marketing solution such as Digitaleo. You will then be able to manage other complementary levers such as sponsored campaigns within the same tool, to achieve your recruitment, awareness or acquisition objectives with local campaigns.
How to integrate LinkedIn into your local marketing?
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