How does local advertising work on Google?

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How does local advertising work on Google?

Post by boxacak129 »

Local advertising on Google corresponds to paid advertisements that Internet users can see while browsing. This is Search Engine Advertising (SEA) which goes through Google's advertising network, Google Adwords. SEA is complementary to SEO (natural referencing).

Local advertising allows for great proximity with the consumer because it has the possibility of being geolocalized and therefore adapting to the local context and a specific target. Note that 80% of local searches result in a conversion 1 . The effectiveness of geographic proximity is therefore no longer in doubt.

Also know that 63% of Internet users say that the ads vietnam mobile phone number list displayed by Google actually correspond to their needs 2 . So, want to know the recipe for the success of Google Ads local campaigns ? Discover below how local advertising works on Google.

1. Local advertising on Google: precise segmentation of your targets
2. The broadcast locations of a Google Ad local campaign
3. The “promotions and in-store visits” option for impactful local advertising
4. Google Ads local campaign and Dynamic Creative Optimization

Local advertising on Google: precise segmentation of your targets

1. Local advertising on Google: precise segmentation of your targets
With local advertising on Google , you can set up your campaigns with very precise targeting of your prospects.

Google Ads local campaigns allow you to geolocate your advertisements. This geolocation is possible thanks to consumers' IP addresses, GPS, Wi-Fi networks or smartphones. This way, you can broadcast local advertisements adapted to the places where your customers live (or pass through).

For example, an ad for sunscreen will be more successful by the sea in the summer. On the other hand, don't hesitate to offer your healthy glow cream in a large city.

To set up geographic targeting for your Google local advertising, you can choose between different options:

By city
By country
By department
Within a radius around your points of sale
This last option allows you to determine a radius around your points of sale (in kilometers or minutes) within which your geolocalized advertising is broadcast. Thus your local advertising is presented to consumers who enter or are in your catchment areas.

In the example below, the Google Ads local campaign settings are set to a 10 km radius around the Eram Rennes Alma store.

Google Ads Eram Rennes local campaign section

Targeting a local Google Ads campaign within a
10 km radius around an Eram store in Rennes

In addition to the geographic segmentation of your prospects, you can refine your targets by socio-demographic criteria . For example by CSP, age, gender, etc. To collect this information, you have the possibility of renting customer files which will enrich your database.

The more precise your targeting, the more qualified your audience will be and the higher the ROI of your local Google Ads campaign will be!

Locations where a Google Ads local campaign will appear

2. The broadcast locations of a Google Ads local campaign
To understand how local advertising works on Google, you need to know the different locations where it can be displayed and their specificities.

The search network corresponds to the ads that appear at the top of the search results on a Google page. These local ads are identified by the indication "sponsored". They allow you to appear above the Google Local Pack, a major asset to increase your web-to-store .

The display network includes visual local ads that appear in the margins of our screens. You’ve probably noticed the ads that appear on the right and at the top of the Google search page, or on certain websites when you browse. These local Google Ads campaigns can be distributed on 3 million websites and 650,000 apps 3 .

Leroy Merlin advertising Google display network

Advertisement for Leroy Merlin on the
Google Ads display network, on the Le Monde website

Google Ads local video campaigns are broadcast before videos on YouTube.

Finally, you can set up your local ads so that they appear directly on Google Maps . The mobile user sees your ads when browsing or when searching for a nearby point of sale.

open store sign

3. The “promotions and in-store visits” option for impactful local advertising
In your Google Ads local campaign settings, there is an option optimized to generate point-of-sale traffic.

First, you need to choose “promotions and store visits” as your local advertising campaign marketing objective. Google Ads then offers optimized settings to increase your drive-to-store .

interface choice objective marketing local advertising

Choosing the marketing objective for your local advertising on “promotions and store visits”

This is the option that allows you to determine the geographic areas where your local ads will be broadcast . As seen previously, you can choose the desired radius around your points of sale. You determine around which points of sale and create exclusions according to your objectives.

Remember to have your Google Business Profile up to date for each of your establishments before setting up your ads. Indeed, the tool will rely on your Google establishment profiles to determine the location of your points of sale.

Finally, keep in mind that setting up a local Google Ads campaign takes time but the return on investment is significant. In fact, 55% of online advertising investments then generate in-store sales 3 .

To save time and improve performance, you can rely on a local marketing platform to set up your geolocalized advertising campaigns. Don't hesitate to invest in local advertising on Google!

Google Ads Local Campaign and Dynamic Creative Optimization

4. Google Ads local campaign and Dynamic Creative Optimization
Google Ads local campaigns enable the use of Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) technology .

DCO uses programmatic marketing and adapts, using algorithms, advertising content to the target audience viewing it.

The content of your local advertising is thus adjusted according to the geographical area where your target is located. Depending on the weather, the proximity to one of your points of sale or even the time of day, your local advertising will not have the same content.

In the example below you can see the Google local advertising campaign for the Renault Zoe car. Depending on the location of the prospects, different places of interest were presented.

local Google Ads Renault campaign – Dynamic Creative Optimization
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