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Why not use personal profiles for your business?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:34 am
by pappu6329
Would you risk your clients having access to your photos from 10 years ago on Facebook? Common sense tells us not to, that there is a line that separates what is private and what has to do with your company. Here we will talk about why not to use personal profiles for your business . From Posicionamiento Web Salamanca we explain what risks you run.

Private profile vs professional profile
There is one thing that we all - or at least most of us - are clear about: social networks serve both personal and commercial purposes. The problem arises when we mix these two purposes in the same account. In other words, we start using our personal accounts to do business.

At this point we distinguish two scenarios:

Use the personal profiles we already have to start talking about our business.
Open personal profiles for the company, instead of a canada telegram phone numbers profile as most networks have.
When you do this, you lose many of the advantages that social media gives to businesses, you expose your private life and you can even annoy your followers.

An example is your personal Facebook profile:

Let's say you've had a profile on the platform for 10 years and a few months ago you decided to start your own business. You choose to use social media to get clients and gain visibility. And, if you already have a Facebook account, you don't need to create one for your business, right? Well, no, and this is the mistake that many people make.

We give you some reasons:

Your friends may be happy to support you, but that doesn't mean they're potential customers. Sooner or later they may get tired of you, block your posts, or even unfollow you.
If you have content that is not related to your business, your customers will see it and that can influence their purchasing decision. Think again about the question we asked at the beginning of the post. And this is not a random comment: 56% of users check the company's social networks before buying , according to IAB Spain.
You would be limiting the reach of your posts and the services that social networks give you access to. More on this later.
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Should I not post anything about the business on my personal account?
Perhaps you still have this question. Companies, organizations, institutions, personal brands that want to do branding on social networks must have their own business account. That doesn't mean you can never refer to them on your personal account.

You can make occasional posts and talk about your achievements. Even when you are starting your business, your personal accounts will be useful to draw attention to your business. For example, to create anticipation before the launch or direct interested audiences to the company accounts.

What is a marketing mistake on social media is using your personal profile to do business. In fact, you can be penalized for doing so, at least on Facebook you risk getting it shut down. This is because the platform has strict rules on how to use each type of account. The same thing happens on LinkedIn and they require you to have a company page for businesses, organizations and corporations.

Similarly, there are also clear differences on other platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest. Using a personal account for a business would put many limits on its operation.