New developments are coming to social networks, specifically that of Instagram reposts , something that can currently be done with third-party applications, but not with the social network itself.
As always when it comes to changes in this social network, a “test” is first carried out with a few thousand random accounts, in order to test its viability, impact and reception.
It involves sharing, as its name suggests, someone else's post on our feed, always respecting the original and visually indicating where it came from, something that will undoubtedly be highly scored by Instagram's display algorithm .
Every social network has something that it has always refused to change; Twitter, for example, had not opened up the possibility of editing a tweet that had already been published, something that would now also be in its beta version.
In the case of Instagram, the possibility of “regrams” has always been viewed with suspicion , although the fact that Tik Tok is studying it may have had something to do with this new step…
On the account of the Director of india telegram mobile phone number list Instagram himself, Adam Mosseri , you could see until a few days ago how above his first three images of the feed, a symbol very similar to the “retweet” symbol of Larry's network appeared:
Instagram reposts
Currently, and as I mentioned above, there are dozens of applications outside of Instagram that allow you to make “reposts” ; with this new feature, Instagram would reward content creators , allowing them to share this content on other accounts, always betting on authorship.
I confess that I have never been one to “repost” content on Instagram, but that doesn’t mean that if it can be done from the interface itself, I’m encouraged…
Some say it's a decade late, but it's nothing new for a network that copied hashtags from Twitter, stories from Snapchat or reels from TikTok...