Political parties often use this campaign technique

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Political parties often use this campaign technique

Post by tanmoy667 »

And this conflict has previously proven to be successful. During the 2012 Second Chamber elections, a real conflict was created between the VVD and the PvdA. This battle was successful for both parties. The parties won no less than 41 (VVD) and 38 (PvdA) seats.

GroenLinks and the PvdA can therefore count their blessings with this conflict created by the VVD. They immediately responded eagerly. The frame of “De Linkse Wolk” was immediately embraced with hashtags, cloud icons and a joint video with clouds in the background:

And at the same time they can do exactly email list b2b the same for their own supporters: oppose the VVD.

For other parties, such a successful duel with a lot of media attention is less good news. Hugo de Jonge (CDA) said about this: 'A fake duel. That is exactly what we need'.

Initially, the political media also seemed to find this campaign trick too transparent. But the VVD and the left-wing cloud eventually came out on top, by being allowed to debate each other on BNNVARA the day before the elections, on 12 March. The VVD is a star in that anyway. Rutte sent a video to Vandaag Inside and successfully invited himself for 13 March.
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