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Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:37 am
by RRAkib1@#
During the conversation with your supervisor, emphasize your achievements . Present in detail your professional successes that have brought benefits to the company: increased profits, working overtime, performing tasks beyond your scope of duties, supporting the team, taking responsibility for an important project, or other exceptional commitment. Try to make your arguments as specific and convincing as possible - then your position will be stronger in negotiations for a raise.

Personal issues are philippine mobile number format not good arguments , because they do not directly translate into benefits for the company. It is worth focusing on facts, such as the impact on the success and development of the organization, and avoid talking about inflation or your personal expenses.

What NOT to do

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Don't start negotiations with a low threshold - set your expectations at the start and support them with good arguments. This way, you won't limit your maneuver to further discussions about the size of the increase.
Don't let your emotions get the better of you - try to stay professional and avoid expressing frustration or anger when talking about a raise. Let your weapon be arguments, not emotions.
Do not threaten to leave – in the event of a lack of recognition from your superior and a decision contrary to the intended one, do not damage your image by threatening to leave the company.

When the raise conversation doesn’t produce the results you want, don’t give up right away . You have a few options:

Try to understand why your requests were rejected. Ask for specific feedback from your manager. This can help you identify specific aspects of your work that need improvement. Then, set specific goals and actions that will help you achieve success in the future .
Consider alternative paths to negotiation. If the company currently can't raise your salary, consider offering additional benefits, work schedule adjustments, reduced duties, or other interesting benefits. Money isn't always the only way to make a positive change !
If you still feel like you deserve a raise and your arguments have been unfairly ignored, it may be time to think about changing jobs . Get valuable information about expectations and salaries at the Talent Days job fair. Download your ticket and make sure your salary doesn't get left behind!