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Why put prospects in the recycle bin?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:55 am
by nishat957
Just like the assets that you use, it’s also possible to put prospects in the recycling bin. Let's start with the reasons why you might actually want to do this;

Usage Limits:
As we touched on before, prospects in the recycling bin do not contribute towards your system’s database limits. This can be very useful if your mailable prospect count is nearing that limit, and you need to start making some decisions as to who gets the cut.

What's great is the fact that you do not have to say number in cambodia goodbye to these prospects forever, as they can be retrieved at any time.

In addition, prospects will also retain all of their previous history from before they were put in the bin, such as the scores they have amassed or the forms they have filled out.

It’s worth mentioning here that tracking stops when they are put in the bin, so don’t expect to see any of their activity going forward.


Data Cleanliness:
Everyone wants a clean database, it’s really important to strive towards a healthy and engaged prospect list (and help keep your account organised). This is a great opportunity to start digging deeper into those inactive prospects who are cluttering up your database.

Again, these prospects aren’t necessarily gone for good, and it’s perfectly conceivable for these prospects to re-engage at a later date.

If a prospect does re-engage and submits a form, Pardot will automatically take them out of the recycle bin and they are alive and well again - more on this further down.

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How to put them in/take them out
So how do you actually go about putting prospects in the recycle bin? As you might have guessed, this can be done manually. Either navigate to an individual’s prospect record, or create a list of multiple prospects and hit the Delete button by using Table Actions.

Bare in mind that you will need to hold either the Pardot Administrator, Marketing, or Sales Manager role to be able to do this.

As we touched on before, there may come a time when you want to retrieve the prospects from the depths of the recycle bin. There is actually a few ways this can happen…