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Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:31 am
If he she completes missed lessons at home.
Then came the period of quarantines and distance learning, when restrictions were tightened as much as possible. Younger schoolchildren who did not go to distance learning could miss no more than one day without a certificate.
In some schools, this was also prohibited. You could only go to class with a certificate , regardless of the number of absences. When the coronavirus statistics improved, this restriction was lifted.
Today, there are still no federal recommendations on how many days one can miss school without a certificate. The decision is up to the school.
How to write a statement
So, what to do when you need to leave your child at home:
Find out from the class teacher what the school's internal documents say about this. If the class teacher cannot answer or says that skipping without a certificate is prohibited, contact the school doctor or nurse, the deputy director, or the director himself.
Write a statement, take a photo and send it to the teacher via saudi arabia cell phone number messenger. The statement is written in free form. It is better to send a copy of the paper to the school email.
Don't miss too many days. Aim for 3-5 days a month - teachers usually put up with this kind of absence.
Sample text of the application
If the child is not just staying at home, but is going to a competition or the Olympics, you can miss even more. Don't forget to get a certificate from the sports school, club, section and warn them when you return.
When can you skip classes?
Family circumstances are often cited when:
the school is far away, and there are small children in the family, sometimes it is not possible to drive the eldest;
the child is tired and needs an extra day off;
I want to take my schoolchild to a museum, a planetarium, or somewhere else, but in the evenings and on weekends there are lines at the ticket office;
relatives arrived whom the student rarely sees;
the child feels unwell, but not so much that it is necessary to call a doctor.
According to the law, in the latter case.
Then came the period of quarantines and distance learning, when restrictions were tightened as much as possible. Younger schoolchildren who did not go to distance learning could miss no more than one day without a certificate.
In some schools, this was also prohibited. You could only go to class with a certificate , regardless of the number of absences. When the coronavirus statistics improved, this restriction was lifted.
Today, there are still no federal recommendations on how many days one can miss school without a certificate. The decision is up to the school.
How to write a statement
So, what to do when you need to leave your child at home:
Find out from the class teacher what the school's internal documents say about this. If the class teacher cannot answer or says that skipping without a certificate is prohibited, contact the school doctor or nurse, the deputy director, or the director himself.
Write a statement, take a photo and send it to the teacher via saudi arabia cell phone number messenger. The statement is written in free form. It is better to send a copy of the paper to the school email.
Don't miss too many days. Aim for 3-5 days a month - teachers usually put up with this kind of absence.
Sample text of the application
If the child is not just staying at home, but is going to a competition or the Olympics, you can miss even more. Don't forget to get a certificate from the sports school, club, section and warn them when you return.
When can you skip classes?
Family circumstances are often cited when:
the school is far away, and there are small children in the family, sometimes it is not possible to drive the eldest;
the child is tired and needs an extra day off;
I want to take my schoolchild to a museum, a planetarium, or somewhere else, but in the evenings and on weekends there are lines at the ticket office;
relatives arrived whom the student rarely sees;
the child feels unwell, but not so much that it is necessary to call a doctor.
According to the law, in the latter case.