Advertising works, good advertising works better

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Advertising works, good advertising works better

Post by Bappy32 »

Salience is about the extent to which people are familiar with the brand.
In Performance and Imagery, the degree of distinction is required, as well as the brand image.
Judgements and Feelings are about the sentiment (positive or negative image) of the brand.
The Resonance was asked on a consideration basis, would anyone consider the brand?
Six months, three measurements
The research consists of various measurements over a period of six months (January to June 2013). For each group of media users, questions were asked about the previously mentioned aspects of the brand. This design makes the development in brand value over time visible. These changes in brand value, broken down into the different layers of the pyramid, are the result of the differences in media consumption between the four different groups.


Most impact on awareness and identity
The numbers above the four pyramids in the figure below (figure 3) show the increase in brand power for the different groups of media consumers. The higher the score, the stronger the brand effect after six months as a result of the media consumption of the group in question. Results show a significant increase in brand scores for all four groups. All groups show positive effects in all layers of the brand pyramid. Advertising has the strongest effect on awareness and identity (Salience), the bottom layer of the pyramid.


Paid & owned: the strongest combination to build your brand
The combination of paid and owned media (group 2) provides a significantly higher score compared to the other combinations. The combination of paid and owned scores highest on all components of the brand pyramid. The addition of earned (group 3) did not lead to an increase in brand scores in any of the layers of the pyramid. Results also show that effects are stronger for so-called low-involvement brands and for non-users of a brand.

Furthermore, a strong relationship was found between appreciation of advertising and content ( e.g. television commercials, brand pages on Facebook, brand tweets and relevant internet forums ) that respondents philippines mobile phone number list were exposed to during the six-month period and the final brand effects during the last measurement in June. The largest group of respondents was critical of earned media content via Twitter, blogs and review sites. This partly explains why the addition of earned to paid and owned media does not lead to higher brand scores. So apparently advertising works, good advertising works better.


What the brand stands for
In addition to tracking the effect of campaigns, questions were also asked about the appreciation and reliability of media. We can conclude that paid and owned media provide the best brand impression: they show what a brand stands for. If it is about reliability and authority, then the roles are reversed and earned media dominate.


Favorite brand
Consumers were also asked about their expectations of their favorite brands. This shows that it is especially important for the brand to listen to the consumer's wishes. Furthermore, the brand must 'fit' the consumer and people want to be well informed about the brand via their own website. What do consumers consider important conditions for a brand to be called a favorite brand? You can see this in the graph below.
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