Step 3: Design your tweets
Then you can use the 'lost' hours to create tweets. Tweets that are interesting for your target group, so no sales pitch! You can put these in an Excel sheet. It is useful to use a separate page for each campaign to analyze your messages. Also note the date and time of sending. See how often your message is retweeted and whether the link is clicked (by creating a free account on ). By recording this data, you gain insight into the results.
Step 4: Schedule posts
Use automated tools like Bufferapp , Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to schedule tweets. This will make it easier for you and allow you to share posts on different days and times: when your followers are most active, but you may not be able to tweet. These tools also allow you to easily monitor the hashtag and what is being said about you.
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It may seem convenient to automate everything and not have to worry about it anymore. But that will not get you paying customers. Also schedule time for interaction. By making personal contact with your followers, you build a bond with people. This means: responding to questions and comments, starting conversations and retweeting messages from others.
Find relevant conversations. Twitter's search function is very usefu benin mobile phone number list Social Mention allows you to monitor different social media. Talkwalkeralert works just like Google Alerts. You will receive an email with the search results.
Step 6: Use a dedicated Twitter landing page
In your Twitter bio, you can add a link to your website. This can refer to the homepage, but that is too vague. Followers will not take action quickly. Therefore, add a link to a special landing page, with more details about the action or training, to give your followers a push in the right direction. If you create a special landing page for your Twitter followers, you can also easily see how many visitors come to your website via Twitter.
Step 7: Measure the results
At the end of a period, but especially in between, you can analyze the figures and adjust your strategy if necessary. It is good to regularly check whether you are achieving your objectives. You can measure different things: the number of followers, retweets or clicks on a link. This depends on your objective, but it is important to continuously measure and adjust.
Deepening relationships
Make sure you first have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with Twitter and who you are targeting, and then focus on that with your tweets. A Twitter campaign can be very effective because you can easily reach a large audience, but it is mainly about how you use it to deepen relationships and thus bring your event or product to the attention.
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