PSU processing and machining

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[email protected]
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PSU processing and machining

Post by [email protected] »

Dimensional stability
The excellent dimensional stability of PSU at different temperatures is an advantage for precision parts. Its low coefficient of linear thermal expansion ensures minimal dimensional changes due to temperature fluctuations. This property is particularly important for components that require high dimensional accuracy and stability in varying thermal environments.

Design for manufacturing
When designing a power supply, it is important to consider the following manufacturability . The low shrinkage and good flow properties of the material make it suitable for manufacturing complex and precise components.

However, designers should be aware of the need for secondary polishing processes if post-machining requires transparency. Ensuring that the design takes into account the processing characteristics of the material will result in high-quality, cost-effective production.

Like many amorphous thermoplastics, PSU plastic is fresh dataset particularly susceptible to stress cracking. It is strongly recommended to reduce stresses by an annealing process prior to machining. Annealing PSU significantly reduces the likelihood of surface cracking and internal stresses due to the generated heat.

Post-machining annealing also helps reduce stresses that could contribute to premature failure. This process ensures the highest quality precision machining for PSUs and other thermoplastics.

When machining PSU, non-aromatic and water-soluble coolants are most suitable for achieving ideal surface finishes and close tolerances. These include pressurized air and spray mists. Coolants also extend tool life.

Petroleum-based coolants should be avoided as they attack amorphous thermoplastics such as PSU. Contamination is a serious problem when machining polymer components for technically demanding industries such as aerospace. It is essential to ensure a high level of hygiene and avoid cross-contamination of metals.

Prevention of contamination
Contamination is a significant problem in industries such as aerospace and medical devices, where the highest levels of cleanliness and precision are required.

To ensure the highest level of hygiene down to the sub-molecular level, it is essential to design, heat treat and machine only plastic materials, with any sub-fabricated metal parts being processed outside the facility. This approach reduces the risk of metal cross-contamination, ensuring the quality and reliability of the final product.
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