I know that the days are hard… Work, the pressure of work deadlines, the problems to make ends meet, the uncertainty of knowing if you will renew your contract at that company you just joined… The continuous search for work to get out of a complicated situation. Believe me, I know. But we are not aware of what we have . And it is not about comparing ourselves with people who are going through much worse than us, or sadly (there are millions), comparing ourselves with those who are literally dying of hunger. It consists of an exercise in perception of what we have, of what we can enjoy day by day. Of realizing that we have more positive things than negative, the only thing is that human beings tend to magnify the negative and minimize the positive, yes, we are that “masochistic” .
There is a phrase that says “not every day is good, but every day has something good” , well that is my formula, the exercise that I propose with the title of this article:
Have you ever tried sleeping smiling?
Let's put ourselves in the situation... The eternal Antena3 film has already finished, yes, indeed, the one whose adverts are longer than "Gone with the Wind". Or we have already given in to sleep in front of the latest book we are reading. Or we have already put aside the mobile phone (finally) to enjoy the horizontal position we deserve. Well, that thing about counting "sheep" must go down in history . I once got to 1,863 units of this domestic quadruped ungulate japan telegram data mammal, and as it coincided with the year of the Battle of Gettysburg , in the end I had nightmares with gunshots and deaths. Jokes aside, I encourage you to try to smile at that moment, remember those curious or funny things that the day has had. Mentally remember the good things we have achieved during that day. Relive moments in which we have solved problems, think positive. Know, imagine or think that tomorrow will be a great day that will also bring memorable things.
Happiness is a myth that has become a logo . Now only the path is worth it, the journey full of positive moments that can last forever; and the latter only depends on oneself. Normally we go to bed with the problems of the day, those of tomorrow and those of the day after. And I ask myself:
Haven't we had enough of living the same, without having to dream about them too?
You should try to fall asleep smiling. Do it, and since you can't see your face (and no one can see it in the dark), you can sketch a smile that can even end in laughter (be careful, people who have a partner). And this phenomenon happens because you really don't know what you're laughing about, only that you can be happy even in an Arabian sea of problems.
Last night I experienced it again; after getting dressed (Granada doesn’t forgive after midnight), I tried to put a smile on my face… And I think I succeeded, because I even forgot to change the time on my bedside alarm clock and got up an hour earlier than usual. Do you see? The smile has allowed me to have an extra hour of daylight to try to achieve nice things to dream about at night… I don’t like taking risks so much, that’s why I publicly promise to change the time in the next time change, just in case this time I count 2,016 “little sheep” , to remind me of the year in which we have been more than 300 days without a government…