Although our field of work is of course not nearly as extensive as the medical world, as marketers we also have to deal with many different platforms on which a customer can ask questions. Both new and existing customers can ask questions during meetings that you do not immediately know the answer to. You can then do 2 things:
Bluffing runs the risk of saying something that is completely untrue.
You indicate that you need to delve into the subject before you can give a definitive answer.
It will rarely happen that a customer lista de emails does not understand this. After all, they (often) come to you because they themselves do not know anything about online marketing. Or because they do not have the time to delve into the subject. As a marketer, you always have a certain basic knowledge, but just as a general practitioner is not a cardiologist, as an SEO specialist you are not a Facebook marketer.
Patients sometimes want to visit their GP with recurring complaints or complaints that are an extension of complaints they had previously. By keeping a good file, a GP can often quickly see what is going on and what has already been tried in the past to remedy the complaints. Drawing up a new treatment plan is much easier this way.
Even within online marketing, there are clients where you as a marketer see the same challenges appear every now and then. This can be due to a certain seasonality of the client's product or service, but also to other factors that are partly beyond your control.
Often in such cases it is a matter of experimenting until you (again) achieve the results you are aiming for. By thoroughly documenting these experiments and the maintenance you perform on them, you will know immediately in later stages what you can do to tackle a challenge. This saves you a lot of time and also ensures a satisfied customer because you can act quickly.